Bentonite is an absorbent swelling clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite. It usually forms from weathering of volcanic ash in seawater.
The Bentonite Hills appear as softly-contoured, banded hills in varying hues of brown, red, purple, gray, and green.
Wow! 好特殊的景觀,只有空拍機才能一覽無遺!張張佳作!
Wow, 山丘的紋路和 Oregon Painted Hills相類似, 但更雄偉壯觀, 尤其是空拍的效果更為震撼. Wonderfully done!!
奇岩怪石,層次分明鮮艷,與 NM Badlands vs Arizona White Pocket 地質異曲同工.